
VMV sees itself as a solidarity community!

Everyone can help and be a part of it - for more social participation.

So we are a club for everyone and everyone, no matter what

whatever ethnicity, religion, origin, gender or handicaps.

Would you like to be an active part?

In the area of inclusion, helpers are still being sought for the monoski course for wheelchair users and leg amputees in January 2024:

As a member, you are insured against sports accidents with us!

The sports insurance is intended to ensure that the practical work of the clubs and associations of the state sports association with their full-time and voluntary employees and, in particular, the risks involved in exercising sports are comprehensively covered.

The insurance cover includes

    Accident insurance, liability insurance, environmental liability insurance, financial loss insurance, D&O insurance, fidelity insurance, legal protection insurance, health insurance

Leaflet on sports insurance with all contract content

News - Every donation helps:

Tue Gutes und erzähl davon  Bitte spenden und/oder weitersagen!  Für das Projekt „Durch Mobilität Region sportlich stärken“ sammeln wir 8000 Euro für einen gebrauchten Transporter auf der Spendenplattform  Die Spendenphase ist zeitlich begrenzt auf 60 Tage, und das Geld wird nur ausgezahlt, wenn das Spendenziel bis dahin erreicht wird. Daher freuen wir uns auch über kleine Beträge, denn jede Spende hilft, unserem Ziel näher zu kommen :)  Wer per Überweisung spendet, muss unbedingt den im Spendenprozess mitgeteilten Spendencode (

Do good and spread the word 🥰

Please donate and/or spread the word!

For the project “Strengthening the region in sport through mobility” we are collecting 8,000 euros for a used van on the donation platform

The donation phase is limited in time and ends on October 7, 2023. The money will only be paid out if the donation goal is reached by then. That's why we're happy about even small amounts, because every donation helps us get closer to our goal :)

Anyone who donates by bank transfer must state the donation code (“158...”) provided during the donation process as the intended purpose (the donation code is only valid once and must therefore not be passed on). Without a donation code, we cannot systemically assign the respective donation, so that it is automatically transferred back.

Thanks for your support!

Donations are like a friendly hug - only without touching.

Donations and membership fees make an important contribution to our work

and support the various projects. Only in this way is it possible

to realize the offers and make them accessible and tangible.

Account details: Sparkasse Holstein * IBAN: 213522400187884762 * BIC: NOLADE 21 HOL

* With only 50 euros a year you are there:

become a member



Donations are like a friendly hug - only without touching.

Donations and membership fees make an important contribution to our work and support the various projects. This is the only way to realize the offers and to make them accessible and tangible.

Account details: Sparkasse Holstein * IBAN: 213522400187884762 * BIC: NOLADE 21 HOL

* With only 50 euros a year you are there:

become a member Donate
Nadine Witt ist der Motor des Vereins VMV e.V.. Sie engagiert sich bereits seit 2016 mit Herzblut im Bereich der Integration und Inklusion. Für ihr ehrenamtliches Engagement ist sie bereits in verschiedenen Vereinen mehrfach ausgezeichnet worden. Foto: Landesentscheid in Neumünster 2021 zur Preisverleihung

Nadine Witt (2nd from right) is the engine of the club. She has been passionately committed to the area of integration and inclusion since 2016. She has already received several awards for her voluntary work in various clubs. Photo: State decision in Neumünster 2021 for the "Stars of Sports" award ceremony, the most important award for social commitment. This is a great recognition for the valuable and sustainable work of integration pilots in the country.

Nadine Witt ist der Motor des Vereins zur Förderung von Mobilität und Vielfalt. Sie engagiert sich bereits seit 2016 mit Herzblut im Bereich der Integration und Inklusion. Für ihr ehrenamtliches Engagement ist sie bereits in verschiedenen Vereinen mehrfach ausgezeichnet worden. Foto: Landesentscheid in Neumünster 2021 zur Preisverleihung

Networking promotes good cooperation

We are always happy to receive suggestions and ideas. Feel free to talk to us or write a message. Then we'll see what we can implement together. We link cooperation partners (see “Our Partners” button).

Ideas? Suggestions?

Forms to download:

Application for admission

Why become a member


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